Natalie Rose, Licensed Massage Therapist
Natalie is an Oregon native and grew up in a bodywork family.
“I remember climbing on the massage table as a child to get worked on, it was normal to us to make health a focus of our daily activities. Even our family gatherings would end with an eveningfull of visiting while each person awaited their time to take a turn on the table. The room would be filled with laughter and healing, and sometimes laughter about the ‘healing.’ Now I get to carry on the tradition and be on the giving end with friends and family waiting to take a turn on my table.”
Natalie first started the massage program at 16, but quickly had to drop out due to illness. After taking some much needed time to recover, she returned to college, but this time to pursue fine arts. She eventually transitioned into the field of veterinary medicine and for many years worked as a veterinary technician, eventually managing all aspects of the clinic, including staff.
Natalie loved this job but saw its limitations working in the western medicine model, and strict protocols revolving around pharmaceuticals. She decided to get back to her roots of holistic healing, and on a whim called the director of the massage program at LCC and enrolled in classes to start the following day.
Natalie focused on the program and any addition bodywork studies she could fit in along the way. She doubled up on classes to finish the program early in order to attend the Institute of Integrative Manual Therapy (IMT) in Connecticut. Through the institute and mentoring she has benefited from intensive studies in Cranial Therapy, Lymphatic Decongestion, Muscle Energy, Myofascial Release, Pulmonary/Oxidative Stress Reduction, and Cardiac Habilitation.
Natalie’s drive comes from her own struggles with gluten intolerance which wreaked havoc on her life due to extreme fatigue and chronic pain patterns. It took a long time to fully recover, which she eventually did thanks to bodywork and nutritional support she received. This experience motivated her to pursue her own career in bodywork therapies in hopes of helping others on their path to wellness.
Since completing the massage therapy program at Lane Community College and securing her license in 2014, Natalie first worked as an independent therapist, then formed Transcend Healing Arts with her partner, Chad Daley.
Natalie loves spending time with her two dogs and doing anything that involves the outdoors. She still dabbles in the creative arts such as jewelry design, costume design, painting, and drawing. She is the inspiration behind Transcend Healing Art’s logo design.
Call Natalie today at (541) 914-2918 to schedule your appointment or click here.